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Dual N-Back Training Options: 2G and 2G Plus

2G Dual N-Back

2G dual n-back is the second generation dual n-back game incorporating more advanced, flexible and effective training principles including speed and variability of stimulus presentation, accuracy level for going up or down n-back levels, and the amount of interference while training – critical for IQ gains.

2G Plus dual n-back is a very challenging version of the dual n-back, involving shapes and locations but not sounds. Not only does it involved a dual n-back task, but it involves learning new shape and location categories while you are training. This prevents the problem of ‘chunking’ (finding meaningful associations to help reduce your working memory load in the dual n-back task), and also trains memory forming areas of the brain. 2G Plus is designed for advanced dual n-back practitioners who really want to max out in their working memory load.

What Do You Do In 2G Dual N-Back Training?

2G Game Window with Options



The Dual Training Mode works in exactly the same way as Visual Mode and Audio Mode, starting with an ‘n-back’ = 1. The difference is that you now have to keep track of not just one modality but two – simultaneously!  At the same time as the square moves from location to location, you hear phonologically distinct letters. You must press the ‘F’ key if there is a visual match and the ‘L’ key if there is an audio (letter) match. If there is a match for both at the same time, you must press both the ‘F’ key and the ‘L’ key together. Once you do well enough at N=1, you progress to N=2. In the 2-back example below there are 2 visual (square) matches and 2 verbal (letter) matches in 6 moves.


If you reach a certain level of proficiency in both the visual task (changing square) and the audio task (changing letters), the n-back level for the next set of 20 moves increases by one. If perform less well the n-back level decreases by one. Otherwise the n-back level stays the same.

After each 10 block training session a window will appear giving you graphical feedback on how well you have done, as described above.  Close the graph, and click on the ‘N=x’ arrow button (that indicates your current n-back level) to take you to the Session window. You can check out your performance stats here.

Your aim: Increase your n-back level and 2G score

Your aim over the 40 10-block half sessions of of training – spaced out over 4-6 weeks – is to increase your n-back level – a measure of your working memory capacity. The n-back level could increase all the way to a 5-back or beyond as the working memory training takes effect. With more working memory capacity, you have effectively more ‘RAM power’ in your brain, and your intelligence will increase.

By selecting the Hyper N-Back option (stopwatch icon) during training, you can increase your 2G score.


You can see how you are performing relative to other i3 users in the Hall of Fame graphs which are displayed after each Session of training, and which you can access any time by clicking on the graph icon in the Session window.

Don’t get too concerned about how your n-back level compares to others! There is no direct one-to-one relationship between n-back level and IQ. What is critical for increasing your IQ is simply that your n-back training continues to be challenging and you are making progress. Absolute numbers are not critical.

What Do You Do In 2G Plus Dual N-Back Training?

2GPlus Game

2G Plus dual n-back  is dual N-back training combining locations and shapes.

…..When there is a shape match, you press the ‘L’ key.

…..When there is a location match, you press the ‘F’ key.

The shapes and locations in the 2G Plus game are uniquely generated every two Sessions.As you learn to identify the shapes and build expectations about the locations this task should get easier.

2G Plus dual n-back is a very challenging version of the dual n-back, involving shapes and locations but not sounds. Not only does it involved a dual n-back task, but it involves learning new shape and location categories while you are training. This prevents the problem of ‘chunking’ (finding meaningful associations to help reduce your working memory load in the dual n-back task), and also trains memory forming areas of the brain. 2G Plus is designed for advanced dual n-back practitioners who really want to max out in their working memory load.

Your aim: Increase your n-back level and 2G score

Your aim over the 40 10-block half sessions of training – spaced out over 4-6 weeks – is to increase your n-back level – a measure of your working memory capacity. The n-back level could increase all the way to a 5-back or beyond as the working memory training takes effect. With more working memory capacity, you have effectively more ‘RAM power’ in your brain, and your intelligence will increase.

By selecting the Hyper N-Back option (stopwatch icon) during training, you can increase your 2G score.


You can see how you are performing relative to other i3 users in the Hall of Fame graphs which are displayed after each Session of training, and which you can access any time by clicking on the graph icon in the Session window.


i3 Mindware IQ App