SuperSmart has a great (not to be taken too seriously) feature entitled ‘The 30 Smartest People Alive Today‘, where you can find a number of individuals with recorded IQ levels above 160. The World Genius Directory is perhaps the most up-to-date directory of super-IQs, including the 2013 ‘Genius of the Year’ winner for Europe, Dr Evangelos Katsioulis, famous for… Highest adult IQ in the world (2012): IQ 198 Highest adult IQ in the world (2010 – 2012): IQ 198.. Highest IQ
Let me introduce you to Elite Nootropics, a dedicated nootropics ‘smart drug’ company based in Fort Collins Colorado, USA. In this guest post from Elite Nootropics below, the focus is on nootropics targeting the brain’s cholinergic system and the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Any comments on your experience with Piracetam or other nootropics are encouraged. We want to share these ‘mind hacking’ experiments, particularly if you have combined nootropics with an evidence-based brain training app such as i3 Mindware. My own position on smart drugs is still
There are 3 elements to i3 brain training: (1) Attention focus and chunking training; (2) Working memory training; (3) Executive function training. In this article we’re looking at the first of these. . Attention Focus & Chunking: Expert Perception Experts in any field differ from novices in their perception. More generally, smarter people have a better ability to quickly learn how to perceive a situation. Perception is an active process: we select and organise the data that bombards our senses using our
Mensa requirement? Mensa membership is open to people who score in the top 2% on a supervised, professional IQ test or a Mensa test. Find out about Mensa testing and Mensa scores here.
For a review explaining these different mechanisms, see Working Memory Brain Training Mechanisms.
In this blog you will learn the following The IQ score you need to become a Mensa member. An explanation of how a Mensa IQ score compares to an average IQ. The official IQ tests that qualify you for Mensa membership. Where to find practice IQ tests for Mensa. How to prepare for taking a Mensa qualifying IQ test to maximize your chances of success. What is Mensa and what are advantages to being a Mensa member. An IQ in the Top 2% Getting into Mensa is not
Here we’ll be reviewing Lumosity’s one and only comprehensive scientific study into the effectiveness of its brain training programs for the general population. The study was published last month in PLoS One (full paper here). The Lumosity study The study can’t be faulted for the number of participants in the study – what is referred to technically as its statistical power. There were 4,715 participants, covering all age groups. Participants were divided into a brain training group and a control group. The brain training
Educational and Cognitive Capital Being smart is ‘cognitive capital’ in our complex, high tech, knowledge economy – in education, training and employment. Numerous studies show a clear link between IQ level and income or wealth. Here is some data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. For this sample the lowest decile (1/10) is people with I.Q below 84, and the highest decile above 116. In rapidly changing, unpredictable, and complex, learning intensive work environments IQ is increasingly viewed as valuable ‘cognitive
Triangulating for Stable Results Single peer-reviewed scientific studies are never enough. Scientists must compete, collaborate, and triangulate on phenomena with multiple methods in multiple labs. This produces stable results. One should ALWAYS be skeptical of the first results. Including one’s own. Skepticism and the call for follow-up studies has been rightfully applied to Jaeggi and colleagues’ study showing fluid intelligence (Gf) gains from training with the dual n-back, back in 2008: Improving fluid intelligence
The definitive guide to fasting, exercise and brain training for improved health, immunity and brain fitness. Hormesis and brain training. This extensive article provides a foundation for understanding why long-term caloric restriction (fasting), exercise and working-memory based brain training all promote health, immunity and physical and mental performance, in a way that is complementary – sharing the same biological adaptive stress response. Energetic Stressors in Evolution In the environments of our distant ancestors, food was often scarce, and energy expenditure high. Three factors