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Gwm – Short Term / Working Memory Training

Your short term memory and working memory are short term memory stores that can be thought of as your ‘mental workspace’. The larger your workspace capacity, the better you can problem solve, plan, make decisions and comprehend.


Short Term Memory / Working Memory (Gsm / Gwm)

Short term memory and working memory have distinct definitions in cognitive psychology, although they are both aspects of the same underlying factor of general intelligence – Gwm.

The ability manipulate information mentally while screening out distracting information is a type of short term memory called working memory. Working memory is the minds ‘workspace’. With working memory you think with  and comprehend information, as well as briefly storing it.

Working Memory Capacity

The average capacity of working memory is much less than 7. Most people have a working memory capacity of about 2 or 3. i3 Mindware is based on a dual n-back training task. The software increases your working memory capacity substantially.

The Working Memory – IQ Link

People vary widely in their working memory capacity, and that these differences predict general intelligence level as measured by standardized IQ tests. General intelligence depends on working memory because working memory affects a wide range of complex cognitive tasks besides figuring out a tip, involving reasoning problem solving, and making sense of things. We use working memory when we reason, plan and problem solve – hallmarks of intelligence.

Tests of Gwm

Memory span. Working memory capacity. The n-back is a direct test of working memory capacity.


McGrew, K. S. (2009).  Intelligence 37, 1–10.


Gsm – Short Term Memory Training & Working Memory Training

Your i3 Mindware training directly trains working memory.

Your n-back score is a measure of your working memory capacity.

i3 Mindware IQ App